Bringing Home Kittens

If you are rescuing or adopting a kitten, you may be wondering what to do when you bring them home. Since Maxine and Nancy were not our first kittens, we would like to share what we did to make the experience a smooth transition for your new kitten.

  1. Purchase all your supplies prior to brining your kitten home. Having everything set up will make it easier on you and your new kitten when they arrive. Not sure what to purchase? Check out our kitten supply article. Link Here.
  2. Keep the kitten in one room to start. We set up food, water, and a litter box in our guest room. We even slept in there with them for a couple of days since they were so small. This allowed them to get used to their new home and to us. After three days we opened our guest room up and let them explore our son’s room and hallway. We did this for a few days, as well. Then we eventually opened up the entire home to them. For the next several weeks at night, we kept them with us in the master bedroom with a litter box, food, and water before we let them roam free. Now they rule the house, day and night!
  3. Offer your kitten both dry and wet food. Our kittens preferred wet food as that is what their foster parents were feeding them. We have tips on feeding your cat in our Feeding Article.
  4. Make sure to have plenty of litter boxes. The general rule of thumb is one litter box per cat, plus one additional litter box. Since we have two cats, we have 3 litter boxes. It sounds like a lot, but trust us, it’s easier to scoop in the long run! We recommend scooping litter at a minimum of once a day. Cats love a clean litter box.
  5. Have treats on hand! Our kitties love their treats and it is a great reward for them, but be careful not to overfeed your kitten treats, even if it is tempting.
  6. Set a routine with your kittens. Our kittens know they get fed in the morning at 7:30 and in the evening at 5:30. They certainly do not let us forget. We also leave dry food out during the day for them to graze on as well, per our veterinarian’s recommendation.
  7. Do not leave very young kittens alone for very long. Kittens are tiny! They can get into places you would not even think they could. Ours certainly found ways inside dressers and couches. Be mindful of this when you bring your new kitten home and keep a watchful eye.
  8. Play with your kitten. Kittens love to play. Having a variety of toys will help them stay engaged and alert. Check out our toy recommendations for more information. Link Here
  9. Lastly, don’t forget to love on your kitten. Once they adjust, which could take up to a month, they will be snuggle and purr machines.

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